Mickelson Trail Lodging

Places We Love


Explore Before You Visit


Hill City, SD  visithillcitysd.com

Black Hills Badlands, SD  blackhillsbadlands.com

South Dakota Tourism  travelsouthdakota.com

Hill City Chamber of Commerce

Hills City Visitors Center and CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) Museum
23935 Hwy 385 (800) 888-1798 (605) 574-2368

Mount Rushmore National Memorial   www.nps.gov/moru/index.htm

Crazy Horse Memorial crazyhorsememorial.org

1880 Train  www.1880train.com

Black Hills Playhouse   www.blackhillsplayhouse.com

Black Hills Aerial Adventures  coptertours.com/

Custer State Park  gfp.sd.gov/parks/detail/custer-state-park


For the kids

Reptile Gardens    www.reptilegardens.com

Rush Mountain Adventure Park   www.rushmtn.com

Rushmore Tramway Adventures  https://rushmoretramwayadventures.com/

Bear Country USA  www.bearcountryusa.com


Restaurants and groceries

Alpine Inn  alpineinnhillcity.com
133 Main St., Hill City

Hill City Café
209 Main Street, Hill City

Mangiamo Pizzaria https://pizzeriamangiamo.com/
158 Museum Drive, Hill City, SD
(605) 574-2564

Prairie Berry Winery & Miner Brewing Company prairieberry.com
23837 Hwy 385, Hill City

Krull’s Market
531 E Main Street, Hill City, SD

Powder House
24125 Hwy 16A, Keystone, SD
(605) 666-4646


Laundromats in Hill City

Heart of the West Conoco Convenience Store

Heart of the West Exxon Convenience Store

Snacks, fishing licenses, fuel, and laundromat

ATV Rentals

Mt Meadows Resort www.mtmeadow.com/atv-utv-snowmobile-rentals
Near Deerfield Lake

Black Hills Wilderness Edge  blackhillswildernessedge.com/black-hills-atv-rentals-2/
Old Hill City Road, near Keystone



Heart of the Hills Catering Company  www.heartofthehillscateringco.com

Angel’s Catering  www.facebook.com/AngelsCateringSD



Green Owl Media & Photography  www.greenowlmedia.com

Moonshine Gulch, Rochford, SD Live music on Sunday afternoon

Hill City Public Library 341 Main St, Hill City

Churches near Hill City google map